11-Year-Old Boy Kills His 8-Year-Old Neighbor Over Her New Puppies

Also: 18 dams breached in South Carolina and insider trading scandal at two major fantasy sports leagues.
The Boy Reportedly Used His Father’s Shotgun To Kill The Girl
As the country continues to mourn the mass murder at Umpqua Community
College, another senseless gun-related tragedy has shattered the
national consciousness. An
11-year-old boy from Eastern Tennessee was
arrested on Monday for murder
after police sai
d he shot and killed his 8-year-old neighbor, Maykayla
Dyer, using his father’s 12-guage shotgun because she refused to show
him her two new puppies.
“You need to put that away before somebody gets shot,” Maykayla told the boy, according to the manager of the White Pine mobile home park where both lived.
Dyer’s mother said the boy had bullied her daughter
in the past and she’d complained to their school principal about the
teasing. The unidentified boy has been charged with first-degree murder
as a juvenile. During his Oct. 28 hearing a judge will determine whether
he should be tried as a juvenile or adult.
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